BlueMoon Roleplaying (2024)

TimeUsernameReviewRatingSat Sep 03, 2016 11:40 amheytherelittlebearI've been on BMR for about 5 years now and I've never had a real complaint. I haven't had any issues with the staff members, though I have had a few issues with actual members of the site. The issues that I couldn't handle myself, I took to the staff and they were dealt with accordingly and once resolved I was notified by PM.

The members of the site role-play wise are pretty decent if you are specific and firm with what you are and are not looking for. There are quite a few gems up there who can write extremely interesting stories with you and like with every other role-play site, there are some people who just don't understand the concept of "no, I'm not interested".

Overall, I'm extremely satisfied with my experience on BMR and I've enjoyed role-playing there. I feel like the community is far more welcoming and less clique-ish than some other sites, though you can tell that there are some members whom have been friends for quite some time. I haven't personally experienced any problems with darkangel or Hahvoc, as mentioned in a lot of reviews below but I also tend to respect rules and respect staff so I don't know what happened between the previous reviewers and the staff.

10/10. Love the site.

10Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:33 pmrageofaeonsI've been kicking around on Bluemoon Roleplaying for the better part of 6 years now, and never had an issue there. Staff are actually approachable, and are actually still involved in the community rather than sitting in their ivory tower and glaring down at the masses.

Never seen anyone on the site get banned without a good reason. If you violate a rule, you get warned about it. If you keep doing it, of course you're going to get banned. That's kind of what moderators are there for, to enforce the rules.

Writing quality does vary, with some members being kind of eh, but others being spectacular. But then again, that's true with just about anywhere you go. This is about the only place I roleplay anymore, since there are very few limits, and you don't need to fish with quite so fine a net as other sites. Highly recommend this place to anyone looking for some roleplaying with an adult edge to it!

10Sun May 26, 2013 10:30 amSlytherin9852I love this site! I've been a member on bluemoon for a while now and I have to say it is my favorite RP site that I've come across over the years. The staff are great and it's a really friendly place in my opinion and I plan to stay a member for a long time.10Fri May 17, 2013 7:34 pmKarameidaI've been apart of BMR almost 2 years now and it's honestly my favorite site of any site I've ever been too. A lot of people tend to whine about staff and sure, sometimes they make mistakes. Then again so does everyone and if staff is on your virtual "arse" then there was someone or something you did to make them suspicious of you or something you did that went against the rules. I'm not buddy buddy with all of the staff but I haven't seen them being unfair or unjust like people keep spewing. I follow the rules and don't complain about a rule I "don't like". It's a fun site with a lot of really cool people to sit and talk to or RP with.

The site has given me my all time favorite RP ever and I just love it. I've never stuck to any RP board for more than a couple weeks maybe a month, so BMR is pretty special. You have the people who are stuck up pricks and you have those people who are moronic smut hounds. It happens, can't be helped much. Overall the site as a whole is great and in fact one of the aspects I liked most about BMR WAS the staff.

They do their jobs well and keep BMR free of people who abuse the rules. They ARE people you can sit and talk to if you have a problem or concern and have corrected me when I was wrong but didn't do it in a way that made me embarrassed. They also tell you why a person was banned, several people I RPed with or talked to suddenly got banned and I, and several other people asked why and they told us.

Did it kind of suck? Sure, but if they are banned it's for good reason. I haven't ever understood why people keep bashing the Staff when they do their jobs and do them well.

Overall I have thoroughly enjoyed my almost 2 years on BMR. I haven't always had a RP but I always had a place to go and talk and have fun.

10Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:55 amWickedBlackLaceI wanted to write a review for BM, but never really knew what to say. However, my conclusion is pretty solid now. This place is much better since the power switch, DarkAngel does a fantastic job of keeping the drama to a minimum. She is extremely approachable about everything. The old staff, which probably warranted the negative reviews, encouraged it rather than stopped it. This was one of the few reasons why I almost left blue moon. I'm glad I didn't, and I kept checking back. There really are some fantastic people on this site. Proceed with caution for PVP and it's hunger for drama.10Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:03 amSexiestNarwhalOTII've been a regular at this site for more than a year. It's a wonderful resource for RP writing, it has a wide range of skill levels available, and there's a thriving out-of-character community if you want to get involved in that. It is indeed an "adult" site, but it doesn't even have to involve sexual content (though there is a lot of that); more complex themes and characterization also qualifies.

With a large and open community, there's bound to be several folks who end up on the south end of a north-bound Bell curve, and they're the types that make multiple IDs on rating sites and talk trash. We all know how internet communities can be. However, if you're the type that runs into problems like this a lot, the answer is simple: stick to the RP.

Newcomers are welcome, albeit possibly teased in a friendly manner, so by all means, give it a try.

10Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:43 pmSeraph NicholasShadow N1n and zealots, you're one to talk about my sycophants when you follow someone who was clearly in the wrong just because he's your 'friend'.

Either way, thank you for making Blue Moon the second most reviewed site overall, and first most reviewed, not counting one spammed up board, and the best review:score ratio on the site. YOU are what makes Blue Moon GREAT!

For anyone who wants a site where idiots, dramawhor*s, and social manipulators are punished in the most gruesome fashion possible, come on in. Idiots, dramawhor*s, and social manipulators, come on in. We need more chewtoys.

10Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:25 pmZombies GaloreAfter checking my profile it appears that I've only been at BMR for nine months and six days. It feels much longer than that. The community at Blue Moon is varied, hilarious, possesses a surprising depth of emotional insight and pervasive intellectual wit. I found BMR after becoming a little disillusioned with Elliquiy, an affiliated RP website. One of the things that separates BMR from the chaff is that members are left to largely handle their own interpersonal conflicts--there's even a forum set aside for flame wars (Player vs. Player, PVP) so that people can work out their conflicts in public if they like without infecting the chat box or other forums. There the rules concerning flaming are relaxed, although threats and their ilk are heavily monitored and controlled. Recently a user group (Omega Wolf) was formed for people who are hateful and abusive. As opposed to outright banning someone they can get put in the Omega Wolf user group and get the chance to defend themselves and their actions or even apologize to the community at large.

The community, itself, is very vibrant. There's a large sense of inclusion regardless of where one falls on the Kinsey scale, whether or not you're into kink, whether or not you're genderqueer; furries are even given the space to indulge in furry RP. I have yet to hear something hom*ophobic or bigoted out of the mouths of the admin and when someone says something like that in the chat there's usually someone who steps up to respectfully point out the invalidity of those statements or reports them to staff. The moderators and administrator of Blue Moon themselves represent a diverse spectrum of people; parents, blue collar workers, students, straight, queer. I have never noticed a time in which the powers that be, as it were, at BMR have specifically targeted someone due to their interests or proclivities, the same goes for ethnicity or religious beliefs.

Part of the community's diversity rests on the very varied level of skill that you'll find among the writers there. Some are prolific, others are more paced. Some are great examples of grammar, punctuation and proper spelling; others are not. I have seen some amazing writers on BMR. I have seen some terrible ones. One of the things I really like about BMR is its inclusion of people. That means you'll find really rough edged personalities with the inoffensive ones. I do not think, however, that abuse is tolerated lightly or commonly there. When you look at the reviews Blue Moon gets, please look at all of them. I bet you dollars to donuts the 10 ratings vastly outnumber anything lower.

10Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:57 pmPearlFrushI've been on BMR for a few years now, and I find this to be a great roleplaying site. It's the one place where I feel I can honestly express myself and enjoy roleplaying too. I've made a lot of longterm friends over this site, and I don't see that ending anytime soon. Though there's some misinformed views about some parts of the site. Perhaps it's a little scary joining somewhere new and not understanding things, so I'll spell it out a little better.

PVP is NOT for randomly attacking members and trying to tar and feather them. It is a place where people can take their conflicts so they stay out of the OOC threads and roleplays. It's a place where if you want to start fighting with someone and make a fool of yourself, you'll be held accountable. People are not randomly picked for PVP and ostracized based on being new or old. Sometimes members who frequently attack women or people they happen to just be prejudice about are suddenly brought to PVP so they can realize how backwards they are!

As for the moderators and staff, I certainly have never seen a problem with DarkAngel, as she's always been a sweet and nice person. Not once have I seen her attack a person, or try to hurt them. She doesn't show any signs of being corrupt, nor does she try to hurt people. The same could be said for TakodaVega, though she's only a mod for one section she still hasn't done anything corrupt.

When it comes to Admins, Seraph can be a bit of a showboat sometimes. Yes, he does drag things out too far as well. But, he doesn't just simply let his friends break the rules based on who he knows and who he doesn't. Not once has a member been shut up for simply having an opinion either. As for ilovegoats*e being a gay basher, just look at the screen name. I think you'll get the hint.

Unfortunately since BM tends to deal with people who have backwards ways, they tend to lash out by trying to destroy the website. Always check for yourself before you just blindly believe other reviews of the site, or even my own! Each experience is different, so don't just abandon it because of some childish drama. After all, every site has their problems, but I think the benefits outweigh this site's 'problems.' :]

Also, nude pictures are NOT allowed on BMR, so these stories of hundreds of nudes being posted are simply false. BMR also goes through and checks members to see which ones are underaged and which ones aren't. It's very naughty to misinform people and blatantly lie to defend your point.

10Wed Sep 08, 2010 3:23 pmTakodaVegaI think I understand the most recent reviews...but I don't think they understood the background of what happened recently in PVP to understand why certain things or why did it even happen begin with.

Blue Moon is probably the only reason why I roleplay now. And I'm an Advanced RPer.Some call it Lit, whatever. But if it hadn't been for BM I would have stopped rping. It was my life-saver. I would not willingly support the site if I didn't believe it was trashy as the other posters are saying. I understand some people aren't quite that creative with their words to the extent of typing multiple paragraphs it's fine. It's how they are and it suits them.

I think a lot of them are saying so because a lot of us are friends with the Admins/Mods, probably because they are on a lot and they listen. I've managed Five rp sites on various levels either as an Administrator or Global Moderator and it's hard to keep everything underline on a site THIS massive. But they do a Beautiful job of it. And they wouldn't have their jobs if they weren't qualified for it.

I have been there almost a year now. Drama has happened. However you can take it with the grain of salt that it's worth.

Honestly I recommend this place to a lot of people because I know how hard it is to find GOOD rp partners, or a decent enough community who is not gonna shut down at a drop of Drama.

10Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:42 pmdarkangel76Personally, I find BlueMoon to be a fantastic site. And I'd go so far as to say it's a favorite of mine as well. The people I've met and interact with there (staff and regular members alike) have all been great to me. Not only have I found amazing RP partners there, but I've made some great friends as well. People who've been there to support me during my harder times, who've been there to give me advice when needed and people who've just been plain fun to get to know. All in all, it's like a big family where the people have the common interest in writing and improving those writing skills. Does that sound like a bad place to be? I don't think so.

I'm not sure what the deal is with these most recent reviews, but I personally don't think half of what's being said is true. Sure, on any site, drama happens. But really.... it only happens if you seek it out or have issues in following rules (and I honestly think the staff is pretty fair in doling out 'punishments' where any rule-breaking is concerned, plus if they make a mistake they always own up and try to remedy the problem if it's needed). In my time on BlueMoon, I can honestly say that I've never seen major drama happen needlessly, especially where any staff members could potentially be involved. Also, I've been on the site for 9 months now and not once has drama found me. My time has been more than enjoyable and I'd highly rec the place to others. If you seek to RP more adult roleplays and find some amazing people to chat with or write with, it's definitely a place worth checking out. I know I'm not sorry I did.

That said, I do hope that people will take the most recent negative reviews with a grain of salt and give the place a fair chance before casting it off as a place filled with negativity and other such things. Because seriously, seeing such things being said bothers me when my own personal experiences have been nothing but positive. So, please take into consideration that the majority of people there have had positive experiences, myself included.


10Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:13 pmmissedstationsI was taken good care of there. ;)10Sat Dec 26, 2009 10:40 pmMrPenguinVery good place for all your Adult roleplaying needs. Great place to talk to people as well.10Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:20 pmKite XirohBlueMoon Roleplaying has a tight community and fair moderators.

It's the best adult roleplaying site I've been to.

10Wed Dec 23, 2009 9:58 pmHahvyBluemoon is one of the best roleplaying sites out there. The community is welcoming and the site itself is open to several different roleplays. It all depends on what your mind comes up with! Splendidly designed in its own unique way, this site has plenty to offer.10Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:43 pmSanguinairiusThere are many great roleplayers, most users have a good sense of humor and over all the board is very relaxed. Definitely one of my favourite forums.10Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:34 pmNyoko1Best Roleplay site ive been apart of. Very good writers and wonderful members and staff. :)10Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:32 pmMisha HirokiBest adult roleplaying site I've ever had the honor to be a part of.10Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:27 pmVerhaltenIt's an adult RP forum. Sexualized roleplays are the norm. Enough said?10Mon Nov 16, 2009 11:18 pmFuFuFuGreat site to explore new things in roleplaying in the adult sense.10Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:56 pmHahvocIt only seemed polite for me to add my own review since I've been on the site for almost five years now. Who knows? Maybe I've reviewed before but now it's time for an update. I'm giving the site a 9/10 because while it has a great atmosphere, some wonderful new people, and great writers and artists, it only loses one point because of the whiners who complain when they get banned. DA is a very fair admin, gives warnings, and talks solutions and, of course, all those things get ignored because of whatever reason people come up with to work out why they deserve to be on the site despite those warnings/reasons, etc.

Being super blunt and all, since I have no people skills: Bless those who wish us well, and those who don't can go to hell~ Or something like that. Who knows? I'm only there for the cliques.

9Fri May 17, 2013 8:28 pmOldSenileWizardLet me start by saying that simply put, most anyone who gave this site a 'low' score did so for one simple and undeniable reason: They were banned, and are attempting to 'get back' at the site in a rather childish way by spreading falsehoods AND ignoring obvious facts. Any ban handled by the staff is done for a reason, it's not like we go and ban people just for kicks.

In fact, looking down at this list... Many of the users complaining about 'unfair' treatment were banned for harassment/trolling or for being underage. Honestly, the comment 'i feel im not underaged' is just... Yeah, a little mindnumbing. It doesn't matter how you FEEL about it, the fact is, you ARE underage.

Now, with that said...

Bluemoon is by far one of the best roleplaying sites I've been to. The community by itself is a big part of it and there's quite a few people that make it worth hanging around the place, be it in the forums themselves or in the chat. The rules are pretty simple and people will always receive a warning BEFORE bans are handed out and be given a chance to redeem themselves/change their attitudes. The only exception to this is the 'underage' rule, of course... If a user isn't 18, we simply ban them until they reach said age, at which point they'll be free to return should they desire it. The forums are well organized for the most part and the staff is fair and impartial and always decides on issues AS A GROUP. If a major rule change is being considered, it will be brought up in a public manner and users will be given a chance to speak their minds about the potential rule change.

The 'hosting' itself is also top notch and the person responsible for the site does a top-notch job of keeping it up and handling any issues that come up promptly. Rarely will you ever see the forum having any serious issues for extended periods of time.

As a little aside, things used to be different... A simple glance at the 'player versus player' section can easily indicated that, but things have changed since then. In fact, the atmosphere of the forum has changed so much that it might as well be a completely different place now... One that's much more welcoming than it used to be. I wasn't there during the early years of BMR, but I'm glad I wasn't.

Right now, BMR is one of the few roleplaying websites on the internet that are truly worth it. Just abide by the rules and make sure that your age is appropriate to join. Should you be able to do those two very simple things, you'll find a place where roleplaying opportunities are plenty and the community is awesome and welcoming.

9Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:20 pmNeurokI've been on many roleplaying games/sites over the years, sexual or not.

Bluemoon offers a wide variety, and growing pool of roleplayers. Most likely, if you can think of it, someone else will be willing to try it with you as well.

The community as a whole is just as varied, and rather enjoyable.

This is by far one of, if not the best forum i've been on.

9Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:29 amthebladeofchaosLet me say something right off the bat that might surprise folk here: I was banned from the site in question. I know, I'm giving it a good review and I'm someone who was banned (I'm pretty sure members of BMR would remember me) but still, I've been on the darker side of it and I'm saying it's a good place...

right, so, the actual review. BMR is a nice place. The place allows you to RP just about anything you want so long as it's legal. it is mostly revolving around the Adult side, but you can do non-sexual RPs if you so wish. The community is overall a very nice place, and there is a built in chat function that enables you to talk, in real time, with the people that are around. If you do sign up and join in PM RPs you get a notification every time a message appears so you can keep up to date on that front, and the Forum also has other perks, like a Mumble server and the like.

Now, given that, you might be thinking 'Your very good at making reviews of places' to which I'd say 'thank you' but what you should be thinking is 'if it is that nice a place, why did you get banned and why didn't you give it a 10?' I will say now....there are issues regarding mods. You'll see a common theme in these reviews, and whilst everyone so far has been specifying Hahvoc, she (it is a she folks) hasn't been modding for a while now (do your research. I've been out the loop for a couple of years now and I know). I'm not saying exactly the level of issues as I don't know how far it exactly went, but....if you complain, from my experience, you will find that the general consensus is in favour of the mod. And it's not altogether minor things, but it's a lot of things that I had promised not to air given that the people involved have since dropped their issues over the years. There are issues on the site that, if you don't go looking for, you won't find them, but you may find that they still pop up as issues and they build up.

As for why I was banned, I won't say the reason here. for what it's worth, the exact reason is something I will keep to those on BMR and myself. if you really want to know, send me a message. I might not be on here.....well, at all (to be honest I had forgotten I had this account, but I may be looking here more often these days so I do intend on appearing :D) but I'll reply to all PMs I receive. I'll admit that in hindsight I found myself caught in the middle of an issue that I voiced too often (one of my personal issues is that I fight like the best of them when I find an issue. and I kinda drown myself in leading a yeah) and pretty much made myself an issue dealing with an issue that wasn't.

overall, it's a good place, if you don't notice the issues. if your looking for an Adult roleplaying site, I'd take this place anyday.

8Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:55 pmrage0976Since the staff overhaul, I've found Blue Moon to be nothing less than welcoming and fair. The site is well organized, the administration and moderator staff helpful, and the atmosphere fun and friendly. When I've asked for help, people have done so without hesitation, and there's always someone around who is willing to point you in the right direction when you have questions, members and staff alike.

I would definitely recommend Blue Moon to anyone looking for a good atmosphere for their role-play. It's a place where you will find great writing partners, and make some great friends as well.

8Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:18 pmAlura--x--UneiiThe fact you can't even play a loli in the non sexual part of the site is quite annoying. I find them annoying myself but sometimes they are just so adorable <3 I'm not sure why the site is so against the idea since well if it's not even sexual it should be fine! But I won't argue...but the strict rules just don't suit me.. :<6Thu Jul 09, 2020 12:14 pmAlabasterDragonessI wasn't able to get into it. I accidentally deleted all my posts and for whatever reason they voided my account and now I am unable to send messages or do much on the site (which is stupid if you ask me). You're not even allowed to delete your account unless you get a staff member to help and even then you might not be able to. *sigh*
Had some issues wuth rude/creepy users and that is what ultimately drove me off the site.4Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:57 pmlovelylionness36BlueMoon Roleplaying is a bad site. darkangel banned me unfairly. i feel im not underaged and banned not fairly. It made me hate BlueMoon Roleplaying forever. i hope others consider my problems with the site and look at the site in different light. its admins are not so nice. If anything i feel they should have contracted me about my ban.2Sun Oct 23, 2022 9:04 pmPhaedraJust a site full of perverts and all other forms of scum. I would say about 2% of the adults here are actually here to write stories for their characters and not use it as a platform to get off. Everyone else is an embarrassment to human kind especially the user Oddlot. Pretty sure this is some 13 year old kid obsessed with poorly portraying black characters to place them in stereotypical situations to feed his own racism. Bluemoon allows such awful behavior because you're not supposed to kink shame. You also can't call out the obvious perverts who want nothing more than to cyber with new females who join. Save yourself heartache. Don't join here unless you are a pervert.1Sun Aug 30, 2020 7:52 pmRiddleyBMR used to be my favorite site but Solo is a powerhungry, biased, self-serving and self-righteous Nazi who should really be booted from the staff. I feel she's ruining the site and she sucks at answering questions. Whoever thought it was even a good idea to make her part of the team has me scratching my head, but for now I will seek out other places until Solo either leaves the team or the site dies.1Tue Aug 18, 2020 8:04 pmJayLightningI was on the site since 2014 and it was one of my favorites back then, but it is now the year 2020 and the staff has gotten bad. So, so bad, and so much worse than before (not that I ever had a problem with them before but I did hear people complain about them, and if they were bad before then now is much MUCH worse). Solo sucks ass. She tries to act so nice and understanding but she's extremely unfair, closed minded, and quite frankly an idiot who refuses to listen to reason. Worst staff ever. The site has really gone downhill since her "rise to power" and it's sad because I really did enjoy this site in the past. Stress from the covid-19 pandemic is already bad enough but Solo really just adds unnecessary drama on top if it. She can suck a dick and choke on it for all I care lol1Tue Oct 02, 2018 5:42 pmCombatBoring site run by an idiot.1Tue Jun 06, 2017 4:49 pmSiren Call's ShameGot banned because I was talking about Islamic terrorism on their political debate boards. Something about these sites hates the truth coming out. The site itself is pretty sh*t too, most of the RP requests are for straight up simple smutty things. The Admin is an idiot who is very tribalist in how he sees the world and if you don't follow the Left of politics zealously like he does than he will ban you.

Oh, since I have been banned there have been 7 Terrorist attacks in England alone and that does not include other forms of Islamic violence.

Truth hurts.

1Thu May 25, 2017 3:40 amInsanityisnotalieElitists, cliques, and trolls.1Sat Apr 08, 2017 2:29 amBayushiA friend and I used to role play here on Blue Moon and it's parent site, Elliquiy.

The mods are unusually cliqueish and rude and will make crap up in order to ban you if they don't like you or your political leanings.

In the two years that I was on Blue Moon, I didn't once even start a Roleplay. Those present didn't want to stray outside of their cliques.

I do not recommend wasting your time and energy on anything among the House of Elliquiy Roleplay network. You will only encounter frustration and asinine people.

1Sat Mar 25, 2017 11:11 pmkfirA very boring looking site, as per it's sister site elliquiy. The admin is a real goose and openly supports trolling provided those trolls are his friends.

He is always begging for money from his members as the server keeps trashing.

It's a shame so many of these sites are so poorly run.

1Mon Jan 09, 2017 12:29 ammorlockShockingly bad site. They support a member who is an aggressive troll, I later found out he used to be a moderator himself and has been spoken to a number of times about his behavior yet he is allowed to stay there when others who just defend themselves against him are banned.

Not a very active site either and not much in the way of discussion on the boards as it has a clique mentality with lousy mods and admins.

1Sun Aug 24, 2014 12:58 amSiemelleI want to, first, start off by saying that I have never been banned from BlueMoonRoleplaying nor have I ever had any problem with the staff there at the site so my review and low score comes from what I think after giving the site a year of my time. In short, it was a waste of my time. Just this week, in fact, I decided that I had enough of the site so I left on my own accord, informing (and apologizing to) those I was playing with that it was far too frustrating even trying to create a story there with anyone. Secondly, I have to say that the rest of this review of the site is not a blanket review for all the players there because I'm sure, hidden amongst the weeds, there are a lot of roses that I didn't get to interact with which is sad, but sometimes things can't be helped. In general, people there were very unfriendly and clique-ish which is upsetting because I am a long time out of high school and don't like to feel like I'm being dragged back down to that level. Not everyone was unfriendly, mind you, but I encountered it more often than not. Next, there were so many disrespectful players that would disappear without informing you or just stop posting mid-roleplay without a private message letting me know why, not having the actual balls to tell me they either weren't interested in playing or not interested continuing to play. I'm not an unreasonable person. My feelings don't get hurt when someone says they aren't interested because, in the end, why would I want to play with someone that isn't interested in playing with me? Commonsense would say I would be more than happy to let that person move on.

What was irritating was the amount of players that thought themselves too good for human decency. I, as a player, have always been honest with those I play with and potentially will play with and will always keep in touch with what I'm thinking and feeling as far as what we're playing goes. I don't have a problem telling someone, "Hey, this just isn't working for me. I'm not interested in continuing," and would always give them the reason why. These, to me, are the basic tenents of being polite, respectful, and an adult. Honestly, I question the overall maturity level of a good number of people at BlueMoon. Ultimately, it was the lack of respect and the unfriendly attitude of many there that prompted me to go. It's an upsetting thing, of course, because I'm sure there are plenty of really creative, respectful, and fun people there. I fear that they, too, will eventually be driven off by the players that simply aren't the type of players that anyone with said qualities would want to play with because encountering that over and over again until it becomes a frightening trend is tiring and brings the worth of the whole down.

I'm not telling anyone not to register and give the site a go, but be cautioned that a lot of people seemed to have similiar experiences there.

1Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:11 amDeadtothapoolWhat a crap site. Hahvoc is the worst Moderator I've ever seen. Kiss her unimportant ass or be banned. She's just an ugly, inside and out, self important C you N T who harasses members. Much lulz, very nasty. Especially her nudes. They're like looking at Jan 30, 2014 6:31 pmsea vixenHahvoc a couple of posts below actually illustrates the problem with Blue Moon RP. As you can see by his rather closed and defensive attitude (And He is a Mod there!) they do not want to hear any criticism or feedback, they just want to think everything is fine and anyone who criticizes is instantly branded as "Harnessing Staff" and then banned without any discussion or warning.

And No, I haven't been banned from the site nor have most of the other people who have given negative reviews, however ALL the people who have given positive reviews are members of staff! So that says something right there.

On Blue Moon, staff can talk to people anyway they wish with impunity, if you defend yourself or try and appeal anything yep you guessed it, you get flamed and then yep you guessed it you get banned.

The most amusing thing is this site tries to appeal to it's members for donations! Yeah, well sorry DarkAngel76 you need to start actually listening to what people are telling you instead of banning them all the time.

A successful business always wants to hear the bad stuff if they truly want to improve, stop taking everything so damn personally and learn to stop supporting trolls as you do and get some decent staff with people skills.

1 out of 10 from me also.

1Thu Jan 30, 2014 1:39 amlost boyWell I have never been banned from the site (Why is it no one can give feedback on anything these days without being accused of having been banned or being called a Hater?) anyway, all the negative reviews already posted are very true. The site is very cliquey and Mods will ignore a lot of problems until they blow up and then ban the person who was actually being victimized instead of the actual troll.

So for that alone I give the site 1 out of 10 they really need to get their act together when it comes to conflict resolution and actually having staff that are impartial.

1Thu Oct 17, 2013 10:05 amHarleyGageVery cliquish indeed. Moderators on a power trip, and I'd like to point out that not everybody who rated them poorly were banned. I recognize kikora from another site. She is astonishing as a player and sweet as pie. The easiest person to get along with though we are only acquaintances. Definitely find somewhere friendlier. Staff was getting better, then Havoc got promoted (by no means because of moderation and people skills) and cliques got worse. There are better communities. Take your chances on those on this list who may deserve it.1Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:55 pmThe ThundererThe moderators are insane and do whatever they want and treat members in any fashion. If you do not like people who abuse their power and talk to you in any way you want, then go somewhere else. If you try to defend yourself, banned. They also have a nasty habit of deleting threads without letting you know why. If you remake that thread, again, without knowledge of why it was closed, you're banned. GG Bluemoon. Stay classy. Also, haven't been banned. My name is free to anyone and you can see.1Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:11 amKikoraSomeone had pointed out to me that my high review of Bluemoon Roleplay was still up to be seen, and I would like to amend that. I was a very long-time member of bluemoon roleplay back a year or so ago, and really enjoyed the community and those on it, so I wrote that post about the people on the board. Truth be told, I still feel very attached to many on the boards, which boasts a number of great roleplay partners and flexibility in writing styles. That said, it isn't the people of bluemoon that makes this site deplorable, it is the staff. Bluemoon has the tendency to promote bullies, trolls, and people who go out of their way to make the site miserable for anyone not in a very close knit clique.

If you want just a roleplay site, Bluemoon will do fine. Stick to the play and don't break rules, and there shouldn't be any problem with the boards... But as a site for community and interaction, I strongly suggest finding somewhere friendlier.

1Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:55 pmMaya BaileyExamples of said staff trolling.

So, with those examples in mind.. there is your proof to avoid it.

1Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:16 pmLovelyBetchWhen I first joined the site, a few years ago, it wasn't anything special. It was before the complete change of staff. It was ordinary and fairly plain. After the change of staff, everything seemed better. But, over time, management began to promote hacking and slashing at other members. The management became a small clique of people and looked down on anyone who wasn't in their group. If you voiced an opinion that was different than theirs, you would be labeled, looked down at and harassed by some of the staff, anyone they were friends with and even people who just wanted to be a part of their "clique".

This site is horrible. Recently, some of the staff decided to fight amongst themselves and some of the parties were banned for calmly stating their opinion in a personal journal. It was unfair, uncalled for and a complete display of bigotry. I would never recommend this site to anyone.

1Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:22 pmnarinarikunThe staff of this site are corrupted beyond belief. They ENCOURAGE people to attack other people in the PVP section. Not only that, but if one of their members leave, they take offense and do whatever's possible to demolish that site, even if it means trashing it's name and causing the member's to leave.

For those looking for a fun, exciting site to roleplay, BLUE MOON IS NOT THE SITE.

1Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:28 pmStrawberryRaineZombies Galore loves the drama on pvp though, so he isn't a very reputable source. He was allowed to threaten one of my good friends in pvp to a seriously violent and offensive level. Also, the double standards of the admins include the ability to reveal somebody's personal information. As I quote roughly.

"Does anybody want to know where he works?"

1Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:10 pmAformer_BM_FanThe admins on BM have serious issues Trygon, Sereph most of all, he is a self hating hater, he IS a scaly a dragon and he hates furries.. he bans people for things as simple as standing up for someone he is attacking for being a furry or gay. The whole site is a double standard and full of haters, Ilovegoates is just as bad, People have been banned for not agreeing with the admins , we are entitled to have our own opinion it IS a role play site, not a zombie training camp. But ask an admin like Trygon, disagree with his opinion and kiss your access goodbye.1Wed Sep 08, 2010 3:48 pmxconconxTakodaVega and Darkangel76 are both huge problems on the site, but only two of the many who love to suck serious e-co*ck. And two of the many who love their drama, which is why they have no qualms with the site. They have been given the 'okay' to be serious issues, by one of the admins because the staff is corrupt.

If you want to take what is said with a grain of salt. Just go lurk there, go see what everyone is saying. You'll see I'm not wrong. And if you want to experience that sort of misery first hand. Go ahead and sign up.

Just recently the Admins have been begging site members for good reviews, so you know, Get in line to kiss some ass.

1Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:10 amAdeyakaIshiiI wish there were negative numbers on the scale of rating because this site definately deserves a negative zero! Between all the camwhoring, attentionwhoring, hatemongering and pissing contests that go on between the delightful denziens of this viper pit called BlueMoon, you won't have time to find any roleplaying.
And if you do find someone on there who isn't looking for their ego to be stroked or looking for an e-co*ck to be sucked in between bawling and sharing sad tales of woe to reap sympathy, you'll find it runs in the range somewhere between epic fail and so pretentiously elitist that they don't have to bother with reading your profile or request thread. You should just drop to your knees and thank them for even glancing in your direction. Seriously.
The admins with the exception of the owner and possibly the great boogeyman who does the site updating and such, are all unemployed and enjoy venting their frustrations as well as building themselves up at the cost and expense of users. You'd be better off jumping into Yahoo chat and spending hours scrolling through profiles rather than going here. Or going to some other site where you won't run the risk of being drawn into the sh*t storm of PVP.
Or unplugging your computer and going outside for a walk.1
BlueMoon Roleplaying (2024)


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