Find Me When the World Ends - Weenie_Hut_General (2024)


That was loud, thought Vi, stumbling into the sturdy wooden wall of the arena, feeling it shudder against her. She blinked blearily against her cloudy vision, taking in the blinding lights that shone down from the rafters into the pit. She blinked a second time, noting the delay in her senses returning to her. All at once the sounds of the roaring crowd bloomed back into her ears, the stamping of hundreds of feet on wooden bleachers, of onlookers rattling the bars of the metal cage that stretched over the tight wooden circle.

Vi looked up to see faces jeering and yelling and smiling down at her ravenously. She chuckled drunkenly and couldn’t help but smile back and give a wave. A small cloud of dust, kicked up from the pit’s dirt floor reminded her of her opponent. The one who’d just landed a blow to her eye. Vi’s rapidly narrowing vision on her left side let her know it would most definitely be swollen shut sooner rather than later.

Her opponent threw a jab her way. Reflexively Vi ducked her head and caught the other girl’s arm, punching her in the stomach. The girl leapt back and danced on her feet, resetting. She was undercity. About as tall as Vi but skinnier. The first thirty seconds of the fight told Vi this girl was inexperienced and badly matched against her.

Vi chuckled again and didn’t see a sweeping kick come ‘round and catch her below the ear. She stumbled forward and the girl grabbed her wrist, twisted Vi’s arm behind her and slammed her face into the wall.

Vi felt the coarse grain of the wood against her cheek and her head swam.

“C’mon Red!” “Beat her ass!”

Vi heard onlookers scream from above. Pitched against the searing white lights of the warehouse, the metal bars above her came in and out of focus.

Still looking through bars, her mind said to itself. Only it sounded a little like Mylo.

A childish giggle echoed through her ringing ears and a small, familiar shape scampered across the top of the cage and out of sight.

She noticed her opponent - who seemed to be struggling with what to do now that she had Vi pinned - had butted her forehead into Vi’s temple like a wrestler and was trying to force her legs to spread. In a quick flash of movement, Vi disentangled herself and slammed the girl’s head into the wall, sending her reeling.

Vi danced around a bit and threw some jabs in the air. The crowd cheered and she laughed, spat blood. It was all for show. This fight was over before it started…

…but damn if the memories weren’t further away now.

To think that most people associated fighting with pain. Not Vi. She lived in opposite-world these days. Outside was pain. So many terrible memories of too little and too much. Of prison, of the lanes, of Powder and Caitlyn and war.

Right now she barely felt anything. Dull aches all over, sure. But the liquor in her system was warm and numbing. Every pain in here was one she was prepared for. She decided when a hit landed and when it didn’t.

Someone whistled above her. For a moment she saw Vander, polishing a rocks glass, frowning and shaking his head at her with tired disapproval.

Yeah yeah yeah, my guard.

Her eye caught the guy who’d whistled. He uncorked a bottle of something and poured it down from the bleachers. Vi tilted her strong chin, marred with bruises, upward and caught the amber fluid as it fell through the air to her thirsty mouth. Vi choked down at least a couple of shots-worth, the equivalent streaming down her neck and collarbone to stain her shirt. The crowd cheered for her and she raised both her arms and yelled back to thunderous stamping and hollering.

Powder was there, gazing at her shyly from between two people. Vi grinned at the girl and Powder smiled back, still just as demure, blushing. Vi had never been able to place that expression. Like, why the hell would her sister of all people be embarrassed to look at her?

Vi laughed at the dizzying euphoria of the whiskey in her stomach, “I’m gonna getcha!” she menaced playfully at hallucination-Powder. The blue-haired memory screamed delightedly and ran around the edge of the arena with the dauntless speed of a child who’s never fallen.

Vi ran with her laughing and yelling and the fans flared up with her in a wave as she passed, oblivious.

Vi finally lost track of her sister and turned in time to catch another brutal hook from the undercity girl. Vi stumbled back, bracing against the wall. Vision in her left eye was almost completely gone. And she still had a full night of debauchery to get to. She raised her guard like Vander taught her and her opponent held her ground, not daring to move in closer.

“Ooou!” said Powder, now sitting on the edge of the bleachers, her legs dangling out into the arena. Laid across her knobby knees was the medical textbook she’d taken to lugging around one summer. Mylo and Claggor had mistakenly nicked it thinking its shiny metallic inlay was actually made of gold. Afterwards it became Powder’s hand-me-down and she’d spent several months fixated on head trauma because of it.

“They say, if you wanna knock someone out quick, you should hit em across the jaw,” Powder said letting out a giggle, “it forces the head to turn. Something about lateral motion causing more brain swelling”

Vi smirked and shook her head. Even in her memories, Powder’s sharpness was a little above her pay grade.

Vi exhaled and dove in fast. A feint, a dodge and a level hook with her right straight through the other girl’s jaw. The girl hit the dirt and Vi caught her breath again.

Her eyes registered the subtle rise and fall of the girl’s chest and she headed for the exit, the crowd going ballistic around her.

Right as she passed over the threshold the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. But her placid train of thought let the feeling slip away. She was used to being watched in the arena. It was the whole point. She’d gotten used to it months ago.

Vi collected her winnings, her jacket and headed next door.

This was truly the in-between of the Lanes and Piltover. The topsiders called it “The Arena”, the Zaunites called it “The Pit” but both sides showed up and cheered for violence. You’d think everyone would have gotten enough with the civil war being over a year old. But then again Vi was here too.

Next door was one of three pubs that had opportunistically sprung up shortly after the arena had. One secretly peddled shimmer. One was not-so-secretly also a brothel. The third was just a dive. Vi started the night here. She would probably then stumble into the second and the third before going home. Like she had last night, and the night before.

Fans would pick her out and tag along, buy her drinks. She’d already had the better part of a fifth today but the night was young. She laughed with these perfect strangers and joked and hit some playfully. Some she hit a litter harder than playfully.

That feeling came back to her in the second bar. Like eyes on her. Vi swiveled in her barstool and looked around but nothing was amiss.

One too many in the head Vi, she thought, in Claggor’s voice.

She sank back into the party. Music played loudly, her concussed head swam and every bartender looked a bit like Vander.


She’d made it to the third bar. The one that was also a brothel. A pretty dark-haired Piltover girl was sitting across her leg, her arm draped around her, stroking Vi’s back. Vi bounced her muscular thigh rhythmically and the girl - who’s name…she had no recollection of - laughed airily.

The Piltie girl said something salacious to Vi but she didn’t quite hear it.

“Whas-what was that? Say’t’again,” Vi slurred, dipping her head against the girl’s chest. She didn’t smell anything like the Undercity or the Pit for that matter. She smelled clean and richly fragrant. Like Caitlyn. Vi’s chest panged and she inhaled deeper. The Piltie girl laughed again at Vi’s ticklish nose.

“Pfft, skan*”

Sharp, bitter words wedged themselves into Vi’s consciousness and she turned and looked for the speaker.

Nothing. The dark-red lighting of the place and the patrons and the girls milling about were exactly the same as they had been every day this week. Vi glowered out over the crowd. But the cute little Piltie girl on her lap turned her towards her kiss and Vi blacked out again.

Next time she came-to she was walking…stumbling up the outdoor, concrete steps towards her building. She couldn’t see anything out of her left eye now. She shrugged the nuisance away and took a long pull from a bottle she’d apparently picked up at some point in the night. It was dark out but Vi guessed it pry wasn’t long till dawn. The world spun past her good eye and over the top of her head and she felt wretched. So, at the top of the stairs, where the lack-of-a-railing gave way to a long dark drop off the side, Vi knelt and let her stomach empty itself.

Far below, the massive culverts delivered Piltovers’s runoff down into the Undercity. The building Vi lived in used to be a water treatment facility, back at some distant point in the past when anyone cared about trying to control the poison being fed into Zaun. Now it served no practical purpose. Its massive turbines continued to rotate thanks to the water that still moved through them but any kind of diverting or filtering had long since fallen into disrepair. The loud whirring of machinery echoed through the mostly empty building all the way up to the solitary caretaker’s quarters on the third floor.

Where Vi lived.

And as her beaten, tired form finally met the mattress haphazardly laying on the floor, the sound of the mechanical breathing carried up through the corridors and through Vi’s ajar door. Vi heard it and didn’t hear it. And restless sleep took her.

Vi startled away, moving slowly and stiffly. She was sitting on her couch now. The fighter was pretty sure she remembered collapsing into bed but the smoldering blunt in the ashtray on her coffee table told her she hadn't stayed there too long. She rubbed her throbbing head and winced as her fingers brushed across the blackened eye, still swollen shut.

“Terrific Vi,” she said aloud and let her head fall back.

“Jeez. Didn’t expect to find you here,” said a snarky voice from the doorway. Vi turned towards the sound, her head bobbing unsteadily.

“Oh’yah? Why not?” she asked, the words leaving her mouth before she’d really processed them.

Maybe she should’ve been apprehensive about an unannounced intruder. But over the last several months the only visitors she’d had here had been a ragtag assortment of girls appearing in the night. Some stumbling arm-in-arm with her at her invite and others arriving awkwardly or purposefully after hearing where she lived.

By the voice she could tell it was a girl, and that she was young. Definitely younger than Vi.

The fighter turned her good eye towards the shape in her door and tried to focus through the gray darkness of the apartment. Vi registered the doorway; it was brighter outside than in and Vi could make out an outline. A thin frame but nonetheless shapely hips, a lean exposed stomach, sassy posture.

Cute too.

“I just, I-I mean…” the girl’s slightly degrading tone seemed to catch on some other emotion.

Vi, while not able to see her guest all that well, leaned her head back and gave her a confident smile. She knew the effect she had on women.

“Well ya found me,” she said warmly and held her arm out in a welcoming gesture before a shooting pain in it made her recoil. Vi chuckled awkwardly, “You uh, just gonna stand there or you wanna come in?”

The figure hesitated on the cusp. Vi heard her shift her weight from one foot to the other.

“What? You’re not…surprised?” the stranger asked.

“Honestly sweetheart, I think I got the last of the surprised kicked out of me last month. So uh…no”

“Huh” her guest seemed to eye Vi curiously as she finally stepped past the threshold and walked carefully across the room, out of Vi’s limited vision.

Vi tried to focus on eating up the sight of her slim little houseguest but every time she tried to get her good eye to focus, her injured one would ache and the pounding in her head would get worse. So she let her head rest on the backing of the couch and caught what she could out of her dim periphery.

“You wanna drink, or anything?” Vi asked automatically.

“Mmm no. Drinking makes it worse,” the girl said quietly.

Vi smirked. Damn, a girl who wanted her bad enough to f*ck sober. Vi couldn’t remember the last time. It almost made her blush.

“Yeah well, do you mind if I do?” Vi asked, moving to get up and head towards the old, yellow-white fridge in the kitchen. Vi winced again as she turned her neck and felt the deep bruise where her opponent had kicked her.

“W-wait. Let me”

Vi sat back in awe as the lithe figure of the girl slinked quickly through the cluttered, derelict apartment, moving through piles of laundry and old food containers without making a sound. The girl didn’t even knock over a single beer bottle and there were literally dozens.

She was undercity.

The fridge door opened away from Vi and the girl leaned into its depths, rooting around. Curiosity overtook Vi’s pain for a moment and she strained to focus on the sweet, gentle curves of the girl’s ass as it was presented to her. It was taught and lean, in her tight striped pants.

Definitely undercity.

Vi blinked and heard the fridge close. It sounded like water was running. Her head gave a sudden painful lurch and she heard childish giggling from far off: Powder must’ve been back, running along the halls of the building. Vi had missed her.

“Where’d you go, silly?” she muttered.

“I’m right here,” said the undercity girl from her left. Vi hadn’t seen her sit down. She seemed to be staying out of Vi’s field of view. The fighter wondered about this for a second but quickly forgot as a cold bottle was slid into her hand. For a moment as the beer was transferred, she felt delicate fingers with long nails brush her skin. Then, just as quickly the touch was withdrawn, pulled away nervously.

Vi snorted. They’d be here a while if this girl was going to be so timid. And Vi wasn’t having the easiest time staying awake. Still, ever since her guest had arrived, Vi had felt her body loosen and relax, her core slowly warming up. Her body was used to this context of meeting. Her mind could probably be asleep at the wheel.

Then a scorching pain to her left eye jostled Vi much more awake. The girl must’ve prodded her there, right where she was swollen.

“Oww! What the f*ck??”

“Sorry!” said the girl, sincere and defensive all at once. “Sorry,” she said again, more softly.

“What’re you-” Vi asked but then something warm and wet met her injured eyelid. Water droplets tracked down her bruised face. The warm washcloth being pressed against her skin ached at first but gradually soothed and she exhaled.

“Just lemme help…idiot”

“What’re you, my mom?” Vi asked indignantly.

The stranger scoffed and moved the rag to Vi’s mouth, wiping her lips with surprising delicacy.

“Drink that,” said the girl, “you smell like puke”

“Oh,” said Vi, actually a little self conscious, “sorry” She did what she was told and took a long pull from the bottle.

The girl sighed, “Why the f*ck did you let her do this to you?” she asked and continued cleaning Vi’s face. Vi sat mutely, feeling where her caretaker had to stop and roughly dig some dried blood from under her cheek. This had definitely never happened before. Why was this random girl being so coddling to her, like she was her friend or something. It was confusing.

“I don’t know,” Vi said dumbly. Then she felt the girl shift her weight on her side of the couch. The washcloth shifted hands and was now being pressed gently against the bruised side of Vi’s neck. Vi felt the girl’s other hand ghost upon her bare upper arm. It was hesitant, like she was afraid Vi would pull away. Vi didn’t.

“I thought you were supposed to be good at fighting,” the girl scoffed and steadied her touch, rubbing Vi’s muscles reverently. She dipped her finger pads along the curve of Vi’s defined triceps.

This was less confusing, and Vi gained back a good amount of confidence remembering why they were here.

“I am,” Vi said, letting her voice go low and husky. The ragged edge to it was a new addition born from months of choking on burning liquor and being punched in the throat. But as she reached her arm out blindly to wrap around the smaller girl’s shoulder and heard a nervous squeak she sensed it might be working in her favor.

“Even so, sometimes you get blindsided,” Vi said in a low whisper, sliding her hand lower, onto the exposed flesh of the girl’s side.

As she did, Vi felt the girl arch her back against her grasp. The girl put an outstretched hand against Vi’s ribs, just under her breast, pushing away from her. Vi gave a low sigh at the contact. She didn’t tug the girl in any further but didn’t loose her grip to let her get away either. After a tense moment of standoff, the girl eased and let Vi pull her further in. Vi felt one of her skinny thighs slide over her own and hook itself on top of hers. Her guest’s other knee pressed into Vi’s hip as the girl stayed facing her. Vi’s head still thrummed but her stomach seemed to have settled a tiny bit. Her body was heating up and the warmth had built to a low burn down in her core. She felt like she might be able to focus long enough to make out her companion’s face now. But as she moved to turn, the undercity girl forcefully pushed her face away and kept cleaning her neck.

“Still cleaning you up, dummy,” said the girl and Vi laughed quietly. She let her hand caress low at the girl’s waist, slowly sliding down to her ass. She tensed slightly at this but didn’t complain or move away. Vi shrugged and held her ass gently, grabbing her beer with her free hand and drinking.

“You must get, blindsided a lot. Most of these aren’t fresh..” the girl trailed off as she stroked the wash cloth down Vi’s collar bone and absentmindedly cleaned the dried liquor from Vi’s chest.

“I don’t mind getting hit,” Vi huffed, setting her beer down and moving her free hand to rest on her own leg, fingers grazing the girl’s knee.

“Oh really? Real tough girl, aren’t ya?” she said, and poked Vi roughly on a bruise at the edge of her hairline. It stung fiercely, enough to dampen Vi’s arousal slightly.

“Wha-why you little sh*t,” Vi said frustrated but also slightly amused. She groped her left hand into the girl’s side mercilessly and at the same time reached her right to squeeze just above her knee. The girl shook and recoiled. Vi heard the beginning of a high pitched laugh as her head bobbed nauseatingly from the roughhousing. The giggle echoed in her head again and then she wasn’t sure if the eerily familiar sound came from this girl or from a distant memory.

Regardless the girl had quickly stymied her laugh and slid back from Vi slightly. It sounded for a second like she’d whispered something but it was too quiet for Vi to hear and didn’t sound like it was directed at her. Vi blinked and rubbed her head, taking another drink.

“Do I know you?” she asked.


Maybe it wasn’t the best question to ask. Vi lived in the comfort of beating and f*cking people she didn’t know, who didn’t know her. She opened her mouth to speak.

“I’ve been to a few of your fights,” the girl muttered quietly.

“Oh f*ck…” Vi said, feeling the tension as she trailed off into silence, “..a sad*st”

The girl made a sound of protest and Vi barked out a laugh at her own joke. “Ohhh I’m f*cked” Vi said melodramatically and laughed again, grabbing her beer and finishing the bottle.

“Ughh! You’re so dumb!” the girl chided, pushing both hands into Vi’s side, trying to topple her to no avail, “but you know what? I did like watching you get your ass kicked. Turns out you’re human”

Vi smiled smugly and caught both of the girl’s wrists in one large, powerful hand.

“But,” said Vi, “you’ve never seen me lose. So you decided to come over here and see if I get beat outside the Arena” Vi tilted her head again and stared at the girl unsteadily, her eye only catching some of the details: a small chin, a delicate upturned nose, dark hair.

The undercity girl met Vi’s eye and the fighter spotted a moment of panic on her face. Vi felt her head being turned once again and soft lips pressed against her chin, her cheek. Those delicate hands and long fingernails brushed over Vi’s bruised neck and the fighter sucked in a breath. The younger girl moved to straddle her thigh and Vi’s hands came to her waist, her gut coiling with pleasure, her arousal seeping out of her readily. Vi felt the girl’s knee slide along her inner leg till it brushed against the inseam of her pants.

“Ahhh, hnnn” Vi groaned and sank lower against the couch, into the pressure. But the girl pulled her knee just out of reach. Vi moaned, aggravated and the girl kissed up along her jaw stopping just at her ear. The girl’s sweat smelled sweet and warm, mixed with an acrid tug of magnesium and fissure gas. She smelled like home.

“Don’t you mean ‘The Pit’?” the girl asked, quiet and full of intent.

“What?” Vi asked, trying to focus on her question as her aching want mixed with and, for a moment, overflowed her inebriation.

“You called it ‘the Arena’,” she said flatly, into Vi’s ear and bit her lobe hard.

“Urrgghh ‘the Pit’,” Vi corrected herself through barred teeth, “I’m not from Topside”

“Hmmm,” said the girl sitting back a bit. Vi felt her rock her hips back and settle onto the middle of her thigh. The longer she sat there, patiently awaiting Vi’s response, the more clearly the older girl could feel warm moisture seeping through her pant leg.

This girl was undercity, so it was clear what answer she wanted. f*ck, Vi would’ve said she was from Noxus if that’s what it took for this girl to let her f*ck her.

She felt like she was being tested. She thought of home, and for some reason briefly of Powder.

“I’m from the Lanes, before the Undercity was f*cking Zaun and was eating itself alive. Pry longer than you can remember,” Vi said curtly.

Her pulse had rocketed for a moment and her head ached from it. For a moment she was unsure if she’d get slapped for what she just said.

Then the girl was kissing her, straddling her, pushing Vi’s head back against the couch. Vi melted into the kiss, pressing into soft lips that tasted faintly of shimmer. Her tongue reached out to touch them and the undercity girl opened eagerly for her, meeting Vi’s tongue with her own. Vi groaned into the kiss and reached one hand up into the girl’s hair, finding a long braid to tug on. The other she gripped into the lean side of the girl’s waist and squeezed.

“Ahhh, f-f*ck,” she heard her gasp and Vi squeezed tighter before moving her hand to grope her ass. The girl dragged her hands down Vi’s neck to her tit* and squeezed them. Now it was Vi’s turn to sigh, and for a second she stole a glimpse at the girl’s wild, desperate stare. She looked transfixed. It was like the fighter had caught her in the act of drinking in Vi’s arousal. Then their mouths were crashing together again.

Vi could feel the girl scoot her knees into the backing of the couch and then a warm, damp feeling was spreading against her lower abs as the girl grinded her puss* into Vi’s torso.

“Ohhh baby girl, yeahh. Just like that,” she crooned, palming the smaller girl behind her neck and sliding her free hand between them, cupping her mound.

“Hnnn! AhhHH!” the girl gasped like she’d been burned and quickly started to grind into Vi’s fingers. Vi pushed up through the thin fabric of her pants, feeling the outline of her lips, aggressively digging into the fabric to press where her cl*t was.

“Ahaa-w-wait!” the girl panted and clutched Vi’s hand.

Vi leaned in and spoke to the girl’s neck between gentle bites, “Please, please, baby. I wanna make you feel so good”

The girl moaned above her and Vi felt her rock again before she stopped herself.

“Didn’t you come here for that? Let me f*ck you,” Vi moaned out, trying to sound sexy and in control but hearing the tired desperation in her own voice. The last beer was finally kicking in and joining the sloshing sea of mixed alcohol in her gut. It honestly shouldn’t have been hitting her this hard but here they were.

Vi opened her good eye trying to get a look at the sexy little tramp who’d followed her home. It was all just blurry glimpses of pale skin and a set of dark tattoos that swirled and distorted in front of her eyes.

“Nope,” said the girl with confidence that surprised Vi. Vi prepared to argue: she really wanted to finger her till she’d cum too many times to walk. But then the younger girl was unclasping her leathery sort of halter top. The fabric fell into Vi’s lap and the older girl stared at the perky little breasts before her, small dark nipples erect under Vi’s hungry gaze. Vi licked her lips and raised a hand out only to feel the clothing being raised over her eyes and tightened around her head as a makeshift blindfold. Vi felt her heartbeat race. The fabric was damp from sweat and stung against her injured eye. She squeezed her fingers into the thighs which still straddled her own and felt the girl slide her body up hers till she was raised slightly above Vi.

“Sorry, that doesn’t hurt your eye too bad, does it?” the girl asked, reading her thoughts. Her voice was so gentle and concerned. It sounded so childlike.

“N-no,” Vi said, “It’s alright. But why am I blindfolded?”

“Cause…umm c-cause,” the girl seemed to struggle with herself for a moment and Vi waited patiently, satisfied to caress her legs. She’d quickly grown used to the pain over her eye. She felt her core ache again at the absence of stimulation and she squeezed her thighs together again, feeling where her own moisture coated her underwear. f*ck she was still so dizzy. Having her eyes covered didn’t really help.

“What? No! Shuttup,” the girl whispered towards the other side of the room. Vi felt herself give a confused look and started to raise a hand to her blindfold.

“Hey!” the girl snapped, actually slapping Vi’s hand down, “No peeking!”

Vi gave her an impatient expression. With her eyes covered she couldn’t tell if it landed but the girl gave a sigh so she guessed it had.

“Look I don’t wanna be watched while I eat you, okay?” Vi’s mouth hung partially ajar. Then she felt a slender belly rub against her chin and nose softly. A petite breast cushioned against the side of her mouth and she turned instinctively and sucked the girl’s hard little nipple into her lips.

“Mmmhmm!” the girl moaned through closed lips, “can you…understand that?”

Blurry, dusty memories of people looking down on her in the pit, cheering when she won, cheering when she was getting her sh*t kicked in flooded her mind.

Not really, she thought. Vi kind of relished being watched by a girl while she made her fall apart.

“Yes,” she said.

“Great!” said the girl, most of the spunkiness immediately back in her voice.

Vi felt the heat of the girl’s torso withdraw. Her lips reached out inanely in pursuit.

Vi’s arms extended on their own and tugged on the girl’s hips as they retreated, stopping them in their tracks. “Don’t go,” Vi said wistfully and kind of chuckled at how ridiculous it sounded. Vi found herself to be a lot funnier when she was drunk.

Some sort of choked cry came from the other girl in retort and Vi actually held her hips tighter. The undercity girl seemed to clear her throat or sniff before she spoke, “What? Do I need to tie your hands or something?”

Vi tilted her head curiously and actually blushed. She thought about it…tried to. Thinking for too long was hard right now.

“I don’t know about that. I…don’t do super well with confinement. “Would’hafta know you a little better,” she decided.

The girl scoffed and pulled the rest of the way out of reach, “Guess we’ll have to work on that” she said laughing humorlessly.

Then Vi’s belt was being unbuckled and falling to the ground. Next her pants were being tugged down past her knees and all the way off. Vi let out a sigh and focused on relaxing. Normally she’d bask in the glory of being splayed out with a cute girl about to go down on her. Maybe it was the blindfold or the absolute degenerate level of drinking she’d done or the fact that her senses hadn’t been this dulled in a living memory…

…maybe it was just this girl.

Vi was still trying to keep pace with the bizarre way everything had gone. This strange girl from the undercity wasn’t doing anything right. Not according to Vi’s schema of how drunken, sleazy late night, hookups went.

Vi sat back, her legs spread but nearly shaking.

She wasn’t supposed to be taken care of.

Her boyshorts were soaked all the way through in the center, probably visibly so.

She was supposed to be objectified and marveled at.

Vi felt the girl grip her knees and push her face directly into her core forcing out a moan.

Used and discarded after. By people who didn’t care.

Then her underwear were being ripped off of her and tossed aside. She really had no idea what the f*ck was going on tonight. Months had slipped by with her feeling like a passenger in her own life. But right now, for some reason, this chance interaction felt like one she should be aware of, attentive towards. She didn’t know why it should mean so much. Why did it feel like it meant so much to this partner of hers she’d found.

Vi didn’t know how to articulate any of this. Her nausea was back and her head was splitting again from exhaustion and injury alike. She tried her hardest to stay present.

There were sharp nails on her inner thighs and hot breath against her c*nt, closing in, making her lips quiver and fresh arousal spill out of her.

“f*ckk. Are you…are you sur-”

“Yes,” said the girl in a voice Vi thought she should recognize but couldn’t.

“Yes…I’ve thought about doing this for a long, long time”

Vi felt the girl’s tongue on her and she blacked out again.

Find Me When the World Ends - Weenie_Hut_General (2024)


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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.